We can provide Commercial finance, and the products range from a simple Commercial investment.
Property loan, multi million dollar development loans to Corporate finance where transactions are in excess of 10million dollars. These can be both full doc & Lo Doc. Refinances and purchases.
Other types of loans available are Total Development Cost (TDC) finance (designed for developers) where as a percentage on all costs associated with the development such as land purchase, construction costs, professional fees, marketing costs, stamp duty, interest and so on, usually facilities are up to 80% of Total Development Costs (TDC)
Gross Realisation Value (GRV) finance is based on a percentage of the projects end value upon completion, usually facilities are up to 70% of Gross Realisable Value (GRV).
Other development and construction facilities such as Mezzanine facilities, which bridge the gap between Senior Debt and the developers’ equity, Equity participation where the developer has insufficient equity to successfully finance the project, Land Bank finance for land to be held for construction at a future stage,
Take-out facilities of residual stock, to repay construction loans, release equity or to allow for an extended selling time.
We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.
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